Not Equal to in Excel: A Basic Guide

In this blog post, we will go over a step-by-step guide to utilize the not-equal function in Excel. To be more precise, we will check if the student names of class one match the student names of class two using Microsoft Excel. We will use the “not equal to” operator to accomplish this task.

Checking for Name Matches

To start, we will calculate if the student names of Class one match the students of class two. Here is how to do so:

1. Put students’ names in class one and class two in separate columns.

2. Now add the formula =A3<>F3. Here A3 and F3 include the student names which we want to compare.

3. Press Enter. This will return true if the names are not equal and false if they are equal.

4. Drag the formula on the other cells to find if the other student’s name matches.

Wrapping it up in a Better Way

To wrap this up better, we will use the IF function. With the IF function, we will create a logical test that will add an error message for names that are equal and return nothing for the value that is not equal.

1. Add the IF function in this way =IF(A3<>F3,“”,”ERROR). It means if A3 is not equal to F3, nothing should be returned. Else, it will return “ERROR”.

2. Press Enter. This will return the error message only for equal names.

3. Drag the formula on the other cells to find if the other student’s name matches.


So, this is how to use the “not equal to” operator in Microsoft Excel. This was a step-by-step guide outlining how to do this task with ease. In our video about the topic, we have covered some other example scenarios to help you understand the use of this operator better. So, if you are interested in learning more about this function, check out our video!

We hope this was helpful, and thank you for reading!