FIND Function in Excel

Excel’s FIND function allows you to locate a specific character or substring within a text string. It can be very useful when you need to quickly retrieve information from a long string of text or numbers. This tutorial will cover how to use the FIND function in Excel. Let’s begin!

How to Use the FIND Function

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to use the FIND function in Excel.

  1. Open your Excel sheet and select the cell where you want to enter the FIND function.
  2. Enter the FIND function =FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]).
  3. Replace “find_text” with the text you want to find. In our example, we want to find a text from the A2 cell.
  4. Replace “within_text” with the text where you want to search for the “find_text“. We want to find the text in cell B2 in our example.
  5. Replace “[start_num]” with the position you want to start searching from. This is an optional parameter, so you can leave it blank if you want to start searching from the beginning.
  6. Press Enter to get the result.

Important Note:

  • The FIND function is space and case-sensitive, so make sure to enter the exact text you want to find.
  • If it cannot find the specified text, it will return a “#VALUE!” error.


Using the FIND function in Excel is a great way to quickly retrieve information from a text string. Just remember that it is case-sensitive, and make sure to enter the exact text you want to find. Good luck!