How to Count Characters In Excel

In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to use Excel’s built-in functions and tools to count the number of characters in a set of data, as well as how to count the number of instances of a specific character.

Counting characters

In this example, we have a set of data containing random text. With this data, we want to count each character the text contains. To do this, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Click on the cell where you want the character count to appear. This will be the cell where the LEN function will be entered.

Step 2: Type “=LEN(” (without the quotation marks) into the selected cell and then select the cell or range of cells that you want to count the characters in.

Step 3: Close the parenthesis and press Enter. The LEN function will calculate the number of characters in the selected cell or range of cells.

Note: This function will count spaces, as they are considered characters.

Adding all counts of characters

Using the same example, we want to sum up the character counts. To do this, we will use the SUM and LEN functions. The formula should be: =SUM(LEN()), where inside the LEN() is the range of cells that you wish to sum up. In this case, =SUM(LEN(A2:A6)).

Counting a specific character

Using the same example, we want to know how many instances of the letter “are” are in a set of strings. To do this, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Click on the cell where you want the character count to appear. This will be the cell where the LEN and SUBSTITUTE functions will be entered.

Step 2: Type =LEN( and then the cell you want to count. In this case, “A2”.

Step 3: Type “-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(” into the formula and then select the cell or range of cells again. It should look like this: =LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2

Step 4: Type a comma and then enter the specific character you want to count. In this case, the letter “a”. It should look like this: It should look like this: =LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,a

Step 5: Type a comma and then type two quotation marks with no space (“”), which will be used to replace the specific character you are counting (for example, “a” is replaced by “”). It should look like this: =LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,a,””)

Step 6: Close the parenthesis and press Enter. The formula will calculate the total number of characters in the selected cell or range of cells and then subtract the number of instances of the specific character you are counting. This will give you the final count of the specific character.

Adding all counts of a specific character

Using the same example, we want to sum up all instances of a specific character. To do this, we will use the SUM function together with the LEN and SUBSTITUTE functions. The formula should be: =SUM(LEN(A2:A6)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A6,”a”,””))). This tells Excel to add all the instances where the character “a” appears.

Case Sensitive. The SUBSTITUTE function is case-sensitive. In the same example, if we want to find the sum of the counts of “e” in the data, it will return a value of 3, even though there are 4 instances of the letter “e.” It is because the function does not recognize the “E” as an “e.”

So if you want to count the instances of a letter regardless of whether it is in upper-case or lower-case, you can add the function LOWER() to the cell you want to count. The formula should look like this: =SUM(LEN(A2:A6)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A2:A6),”e”,””))) This tells Excel to make all the characters in A2:A6 lower case and add all the instances of the letter “e.”


Counting characters in Excel can be a valuable skill for any data analysis or manipulation project. The LEN, SUBSTITUTE, and LOWER functions are powerful tools that can be used to quickly and easily count the number of characters in a cell or range of cells, as well as count the number of instances of a specific character in a set of data. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this tutorial, you can now use these functions to analyze your data with precision and efficiency.