Excel allows users to perform a wide variety of operations on their data, including concatenation, which involves combining two or more strings or values into a single cell. However, what about when you need to split a cell into multiple cells or separate values? Is there an opposite of concatenate in Excel?
The answer is no, there is no built-in formula or function that performs the opposite of concatenation in Excel. However, there is a trick that can help you achieve the desired result. In this article, we will explore this trick and show you how to use it to separate values in Excel.
Step By Step Guide
Here’s how to use the Text to Columns feature to split values in Excel:
- Select the cell or range of cells that you want to break.
- Click on the Data tab in the Excel ribbon.

- Click on the Text to Columns button in the Data Tools group. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, choose the Delimited option and click Next.

- Select the delimiter that separates the values you want to split, such as a comma or space, and preview the results in the Data Preview window. (In our case, it will be the space).

- Click Next to specify the destination cells where you want to place the separated values.
- Click Finish to complete the Text to Columns operation.

That’s it! You have now successfully split the values in Excel using the Text to Columns feature.

While there is no built-in formula or function that performs the opposite of concatenation in Excel, the Text to Columns feature provides an easy and effective way to split values in Excel. By using a delimiter to separate the values, you can quickly and easily split cells into multiple cells, making data analysis and manipulation more efficient and accurate.